Rules of writing SI units
Rules of writing SI units:
1 the name of unit may be written in full or it's approved symbol may be used. Other forms of not allowed.
Correct Incorrect
second Sec
ampere Amp
2 the starting letters of the unit name and prefixes should be of lowercase letters. Correct. Incorrect
meter Meter
ampere Ampere
3 the unit name is starting with scientist name the first letter of the unit it will be an uppercase letter.
Unit correct Incorrect
Hertz Hz HZor hz
Pascal Pa PAor pA
4 there is no plural forms to the symbol.
Measurement correct Incorrect
10 meters 10m 10ms
20 kilograms 20 kg 20kgs
5 punctuation marks should not be used mourning the symbol.
Correct Incorrect
m (m)
s "S"
6 a gap that accommodates one letter should be left between the numeric and the symbol of unit.
Correct Incorrect
15 s 15s
10 A 10A
7 no gap should be left between the symbols of prefix and unit and in a Measurement.
Correct Incorrect
10 mm 10 m m
8 more than one prefix be used in a single measurement.
Correct Incorrect
5 giga watts 5 kilo mega watts
Now we can understand the rules of SI system.
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